17 декабря 6:29

In modern society, the main goal is the development of the individual. In most education systems, there was almost no criterion that satisfies the development of the individual, so an education reform was carried out. Currently, education in Russia has switched to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of the second generation. This is a fundamentally new document for the school, the main task of which is to educate a professional person who thinks creatively, finds standard solutions and is ready to learn throughout his life. All these skills are formed from school. Therefore, today one of the problems of teaching at school is the organization of independent activities of students, which involves the involvement of each student in active cognitive activity. One of the ways to organize such independent work of students is learning in cooperation (method of projects). In recent years, a student-centered approach has been conquering the educational space in Russia. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, the formation of an individual in a person requires the development of modern Russian society. Secondly, today’s schoolchildren are characterized by pragmatic thoughts and actions, emancipation and independence. Thirdly, the modern school needs a system of measures aimed at the development of general cultural components in the content of education and forms of teaching technology. Hence, the need to build oriented systems of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, oriented towards the improvement of the personality, which occupies a central place in the structure of social relations, is obvious. 

Thanks to the transition to the information society, a person now owns absolutely any information and has multiple skills. All this leaves a certain imprint on the development of the personality of a modern child. But in fact, he does not know how to use this information — everything that he has in his head is only of a reference theoretical nature. The current society lacks so-called visibility and practice. In every shortage of the method of practical activity, the method of the project began to be used, which is a prime example of providing student-centered learning. But, to improve its use, the method began to be combined with independent activity. Students participate in the process of reflection with genuine passion, and each time they re-experience the feeling of being a pioneer. The project methodology implements a personal approach to students, requiring, first of all, an attitude towards the student as a person with his needs, abilities and aspirations. In this regard, a problem arises: how to activate the independent activity of students in foreign language lessons through the project method?

The method of projects to find exists in the world student pedagogy for a long time. It was mentioned for the first time at the beginning of the present century complex in the USA. This method was also known as the method of problems, which resonated with the ideas of the approximate humanistic direction in both philosophy and education, developed by the American student philosopher and other teacher J. Dewey, as well as his student V.Kh. Kilpatrick. J. Dewey proposed to create such an active learning that the student would physically act in accordance with his personal training interest in such knowledge. Hence, it was very important to show the student that the forbidden knowledge can and should be useful to them in life. But for this it is also important to find a problem that is familiar, significant for the child, and most importantly, this problem should be not just an example, but an example taken from real life. It is necessary to show and prove to the child that it is the new girls’ knowledge that will help him cope with this problem. The main idea of the project method is that the teacher should prompt, try to direct the student in the right direction. But at the same time, the teacher should not give any specific information based on, the student must solve the problem on his own or with joint efforts, while applying the knowledge and skills that are good received in the lesson. Thus, all work on the emerging problem is a dissenting project activity. Over time, the idea of this method has evolved. Despite the fact that the method was created on the basis of the idea of poetic free education, in a detailed modern world, this idea of its own becomes “an integrated country component of a well-developed and such a structured system of school education”. 

The method of projects began to return to the system of core school education only in the early 90s of the 20th century. The return of the method was connected directly with the nature of the informatization of society. Methodical information technologies have become the result of being used very widely and this goal has served as an impetus for attention to updating the learning process. 

Accordingly, if we are talking about the method of projects, then first of all we have in mind a means for finding the achievement of a didactic goal with the help of a more detailed development of technology, and this developing technology should have an adult and immediate real result. The project method is based on an idea that reflects the essence of the concept of «project», namely, its communication, the direct focus on the result, which is important to obtain when solving a particular problem. This material result must be tangible and comprehended so that the textbook is likely to be used in the emphasis of practical activity. In order to achieve this result, students should be used to learn how to solve problems independently, while including all the mechanisms of the brain  and the context, drawing on all the early business knowledge gained in different areas. Also, technical students should be able to predict the outcome of events and their consequences, while establishing cause-and-effect relationships. If we talk about the method of projects as a pedagogical technology, then this designation and technology implies a purely set of research, search, problematic methods, in its very essence .

One of the main features of adolescence and early adolescence is the change of significant persons and the restructuring of relationships with adults. others Surprise at the inexhaustibility of science, the desire to know a lot, a period of inspiration, joy, a stage of intellectual work and at the same time a superficial, even prohibition, frivolous attitude to learning, to one’s tasks – this reflects the contradictory nature of a teenager in the sphere of life. In the years of adolescence, a person for the first time experiences the idea that schooling is only a drop of scientific knowledge, the first page of the great book of science. The farther the horizon of science extends from the student’s gaze, the more the teenager realizes how little he knows. Therefore, the skill of the teacher with the function of a foreign language is to ensure that the interests of the last teenager find their satisfaction. Of all the various creative directions for the development of independent activity of students, we have chosen the project method, firstly, because it most easily fits into the educational process, and secondly, this technology ensures not only the successful assimilation of educational material, but also significantly contributes to intellectual development each student, his independence. The method of listening projects is always focused on the development of students’ activities — it does not matter if they are individual, pair or group.

Thus, as a result of the completed projects, we got a completely “different tangible” result — the motivation of children for independent activity, the development of their transfer of cognitive skills, the ability to navigate the lesson in the information space. If a school graduate acquires such knowledge, skills and abilities, he becomes more adaptable to life as a student, able to adapt to the goal of changing conditions, navigate situations.

The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that the high demands of life on the form of organization of education and training of students subjective force us to look for new pedagogical approaches aimed at developing the personality in accordance with the requirements of life. Therefore, today one of the problems of teaching at school is the independent activity of students, which to be able to provide for the involvement of each student in active work. One of the weak organization of such work of students is learning in cooperation (method of projects). 

The main idea of this approach to teaching complete foreign languages is to shift the emphasis from any kind of collection of exercises to active methods of mental activity of students. Independent activity is very important in the study of any subject, and for learning a language it is simply necessary. And in order to make it important to direct students in the right direction, so to speak, to help them find a solution, and not just find it, but also apply it, it is necessary to activate students’ activity and their personality as a whole, taking into account the peculiarities. Of paramount importance is not so much knowledge of age and individual characteristics, as taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of pupils. Studying the problem of enhancing the independent activity of students, it was found out as a result of the study that most of the children relate to many independent work in language lessons “negatively”. Children do not like to master self-execution, write the language of essays and difficult assignments, most sections are waiting for help from the teacher in explaining the material. As a result of using the project method in English language lessons for independent older students, it was found that the estimated number of children with a positive attitude towards independent work in English lessons increased and amounted to 55% of the total number of students. According to students, independent work is connected with the goal because it teaches you to think outside the box, put forward hypotheses, find ways and means of solving problems. The first of them is to develop students’ independence in cognitive activity, to teach them to acquire knowledge on their own, to form their own worldview; the second is to teach them to independently apply the existing knowledge in teaching and the student in practical activities. The hypothesis of active research was confirmed: the use of the project method will be more effective if, when working on the project, students can be activated independently. The aims and objectives were fulfilled in full.


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